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Low-dose X-ray radiation

The low-dose X-ray radiation is being carried out on patients with inflammatory joint or connective tissue diseases.

Low-dose X-ray radiation

General Information

More details on low-dose X-ray radiation
Low-dose X-ray radiation or antiphlogistic radiation is an established form of pain therapy without any side effects. This treatment causes regression of the activity of chronic inflammatory processes and thereby alleviation of pain. For successful treatment, several radiation sessions are necessary – often up to four series, whereby a series consists of four individual radiation sessions.


Häufige Anwendungen
  • degradation of the ankle joints
  • omarthrosis (degradation of the shoulder joint)
  • PHS, PHS calcificans (soft-tissue calcification in the shoulder joint)
  • radiocarpal arthrosis, rhizarthrosis, interphalangeal arthrosis (degradation of the wrist and finger joints)
  • coxarthrosis (degradation of the hip joint)
  • gonarthrosis (degradation of the knee joint)
  • non-bacterial soft-tissue focuses of inflammation
  • epicondylitis (e.g. tennis elbow)
  • elbow joint arthrosis (degradation of the elbow joint)
  • chronic tendinopathies (chronic tendon diseases)
  • calcaneal spur
How many treatment sessions are necessary for low-dose X-ray radiation?
For successful treatment, several radiation sessions are necessary. Depending on the success of the treatment, up to four series may be necessary, whereby a series consists of four individual radiation sessions. The series must be carried out at intervals of four weeks.
How long does a radiation session last?
Low-dose X-ray radiation only takes a few seconds.
Is the treatment painful?
No, the radiation treatment is completely painless.


What must I keep in mind during treatment?
During treatment, direct exposure to sunlight of the region treated with radiation must be avoided. Creams and ointments that cause a reddening of the skin must not be used. Contraindications are pregnancy and tumorous diseases.
To rule out a tumorous change in the region treated with radiation, please bring a current X-ray with you at the start of treatment. Children and youths will not be treated.


What are the requirements for making an appointment?
You need an X-ray referral for low-dose X-ray radiation and a referral for an X-ray overview image of the relevant regions, if these are not yet available. For every further series of radiation (four series), a new referral must be submitted. If you submit the relevant referral, the treatment costs will be completely covered by your health insurance fund!